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5757 Solomons Island Road Lothian, MD 20711
Little Learners believes in providing a safe and nurturing environment for children to acquire social and academic skills in preparation for kindergarten. We believe children need to be stimulated academically. They need to be exposed to age appropriate curriculum that will allow them to be successful.
Children learn by doing, and they need many opportunities to explore and grow. They need to have opportunities to express their creativity. Children are social and they need to be guided towards socially acceptable behaviors. Little Learners provides a learning experience that fosters creativity, as well as emotional, cognitive, social, and physical development.
More importantly, children need to feel nurtured. They need to know that they are special and unique. Here at Little Learners, their hurt feelings count, their sadness is comforted, their joy is shared, and their accomplishments are praised. Children need to be children. They need to play and pretend and embrace this sacred time in their lives.
Mailing Address - PO Box 31, Tracy's Landing MD 20779
Copyright 2013. Little Learners. All rights reserved.